quinta-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2011

Aryadne Oliveira and Aryadne Woodbridge

Ok,  think twice before use your spouse's last name.  Some of my articles have published is igned as Aryadne Oliveira - my father's last name.

So, here are some of them I 've just found:
  1. Entrevista com Joe Moreira: JiuJitsu Brasileiro com sobrenome MOREIRA  http://issuu.com/brazilexplore/docs/ed101
  2. Entrevista com Marco Ruas: http://issuu.com/brazilexplore/docs/102_full
  3. Capoflex: A ginga brasileira http://issuu.com/brazilexplore/docs/october09

Media: Brazil Explore Magazine.

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